Wednesday, March 7, 2012

My Favorite Things

“Raindrops on Roses
And Whiskers on Kittens
Bright, Copper Kettles
And Warm Woolen Mittens
Brown Paper Packages all tied up with Strings
These are a Few of my Favorite Things”
Anyone remember this song from the Sound of Music? This is one of my favorites along with Edelweiss and I Have Confidence. Since my last post was a little depressing (ok it was really depressing), I have declared that there will be no more negativity. No more!! It has been banished from the depths of this blog never to be seen again. It has been spoken (written) by the Great and Powerful Christa and shall be so. I’m done declaring now, sorry.  Moving on, as the title of this blog states, this post is about my favorite things. So when the dog bites, when the bee stings, and when I’m feeling sad…what makes me better? Glad you asked. Without further delay, here is a list of my top five favorite things…
To start it off, I LOVE music. If you have known me for any amount of time, you know that music is what makes my heart beat. Without music in my life, I would not what to do. I honestly would go into a serious state of depression if I couldn’t hear or sign another note of music. My favorite type of music is A Capella. It has always been since I can remember; however, A Capella cannot provide what my first music love, the piano, can. Why? I honestly don’t know but I can surmise. It might be because when I listen to A Capella music I sit back and let the tones flood over me. When I’m stressed, I want to relax but can’t relax enough to let go. Understand? No, well then we will leave at I don’t know. With that being said, one of my favorite things is hearing a simple solo with only a piano background. My favorites are Never Walk Alone by Brian Free, Joseph’s Lullaby by Mercy Me, and God’s Been Good by Legacy Five. There’s just something about it that calms me and forces me to relax and take a big breath. Mmmm….I can just hear it now……

My second favorite thing is Southern Gospel Quartet music. Yes sir or ma’am (I’m not prejudice)! I love the sounds of the four part harmony of a good-old quartet. Tenor, lead, baritone, and bass…must admit my favorite quartet part is tenor. All-time favorite tenor is a tie between Brian Free and David Phelps. Getting off the rabbit trail, quartet music provides me with the seamless division of harmony that I need to survive. Wow!! I just blew my own mind…seamless division. Moving on, quartet music can uplift my soul in many ways and I am always up to listening to it. It’s just one of my favorite things.

My third favorite thing is a child’s hug. I teach 3-5 year olds every Wednesday night at church and have grown to love and know each and every one of them. They are so cute and say the funniest things. When I first started, two years ago, I wanted to become so close to them that they would come up and hug me at church without me asking. It took a little time but it has now become a “regular” treat. They can cheer me up any day and anytime.

My fourth favorite thing is the adrenaline rush you get after you finish reading a thriller. The ones were you have to take more than one deep breath afterwards to calm your heartbeat. Some people ride roller coasters; I read books. My favorite thriller author is Ted Dekker. I became a huge fan of his since I read House. My favorite thriller book is Thr3e by (you guessed it) Ted Dekker. If you have never read it, stop reading this blog and go out and get it now! It’s that awesome. Trust me. Have I ever led you wrong?

*Warning!! Single girl moment up ahead**

My fifth favorite thing is looking at handsome guys pictures. It doesn’t matter if they are a movie star, musician, or athlete. I love looking at them all. Their hair and eyes…..David Beckham. Oh sorry, their hair and eyes and smile and fashion sense………………….David Beckham. Oh, sorry again. Where was I? Oh David Beckham…no, no, no I left off at fashion sense. I just love a well dressed fellow who knows that purple doesn’t go with red or that 90’s sweater went out of style in the 70’s. I especially love a guy that dresses in a suit. Yes ladies, a guy in a suit is just totally awesome…………………David Beckham. Stop it Christa!!! He’s married. Ok………….what about him?
Or him?
Or him?
You can’t bottle up handsome and sell it ladies sorry.

That wraps up my top five favorite things. I hope you enjoyed reading my first “No More Negativity” blog post. In other news, next week’s forecast has a 95% chance of another Perfect Man Builder 2012 blog post, so if you liked that one, click the little follow button in the sidebar and you’ll be the first to know when it’s up. Comment on this post or on my Facebook link and tell me your top 5 favorite things.

The End….for now ;-)

Be Happy Being Single.
Always Remember to Keep Singing in the Rain.


1 comment:

  1. five favorite things: Disneyland is #1, everyone needs a neverland! #2 My family and friends, they are my world :-) #3 Movies, old or new i love them all, all time favs Meet Me in St. Louis, Under the Tuscan Sun, Star Wars, & Harry Potter (crazy combos huh?!lol) #4 Books, history..bios..fantasy (one you might like Lady Blue Eyes) #5 Music, life is a soundtrack, i like everything, (Timeflies is my new fav)
