Thursday, April 26, 2012

Diary of the Weekend-The Day Time Never Forgets

4/19/12 (I wrote this diary on 4/20/12)-

Oh my word, I don’t know where to start other than last night was amazing. It left me almost speechless (quite a hard thing to do). Words cannot explain how wonderful last night was. I know that must be the most overused phrase in the book but I am utterly at a loss on how to portray last night into words. I know whatever I say will not do any justice to what really happened but I will try my hardest to paint a good picture. Let’s start at the very beginning, a very good place to start…

My friend arrived Wednesday night at 9pm and after a brief meeting with some church friends we headed off to my house to talk. We stayed up until 2:30am (sorry Joel!) catching up and talking about life so we slept in way late the next morning. We hung around the house until it was time to get ready. I told my other 2 friends to meet me at 2:30pm at the church and we would make the 2½ hour trek to Toledo. We planned on eating at the nearest Olive Garden and then making our way to the concert. When I arrive at a place I’m either right on time or late. This time we were 15 minutes late to meet at the church. It was ok though because we had allowed ourselves a nice cushion of time. Yes, I had the tickets and showed them off proudly to my friends. They were impressed and we all were so excited to finally get going. The drive up was pretty uneventful and we listened to Straight No Chaser’s new EP CD with my new favorite song Rhythm of Love/ Can’t Help Falling in Love with You sung by (you guessed it) Ryan Ahlwardt. I absolutely love his voice. It's so mellow and very easy to listen to. Moving on, we arrived in Toledo around 5pm and found the nearest Olive Garden which was about 2 minutes away from the theater. We were so excited and talked about what songs we would love to hear (mine was The Lion Sleeps Tonight), who we wanted to meet (Seggie!!!), and where we were sitting. The table next to us was filled with ladies in their 70’s. They proudly announced to the waitress that they were going to see Straight No Chaser. One of the ladies told her friends “We don’t have the best tickets as I waited too long to buy them.” My friends and I just smiled at each other thinking of those front-row seats and we all thought that we probably would be the youngest ones there. We finished our dinner and made our way to the theater. We were early (about 45 minutes or so) and had a short wait until they opened the doors. The usher (usheress?) took our tickets and told us to walk all the way down to the front. We followed her instructions happily and after a brief hiccup (not on our part, mind you), we found our seats. We were ecstatic because we didn’t realize that we could even be so close. We were in the orchestra pit and could literally touch the stage. See Exhibit A…

My friends kept giving me a time update…7:10pm then 7:15pm. I gave them specific instructions to tell me when it was 7:25pm because every time they gave me an update my stomach did a somersault and turned itself into a knot. I was afraid I’d throw up so I had to calm myself down. I was really that excited. I can only explain it by the feeling you get when you first get on a roller coaster. It’s like your eyes see that big drop coming up and sends a signal to your brain to release the adrenaline. My adrenaline was pumping so fast that I couldn’t calm down. I took a deep breath and concentrated on trying to keep my hands from shaking. They told me when it was 7:24pm and then the next thing I knew it was 7:30pm (the time of the concert). You ask a friend to do a simple thing and they mess it up. Oh well, I could overlook the mistake this one time. Around 7:35pm we started seeing shadows behind the curtain and my friend and I (yes, we are crazy) pointed and squealed each time we saw a shadow. We couldn’t wait for the opening song. The lights went dim and the awful music the theater was playing shut off. They played an opening video (hilarious!!) telling of who SNC is, where they got the name, and how they prepare for the concerts. Then it went dark and we heard “Ready, Ready, I’m ready come on!” See Exhibit B…

My friend and I and the rest of the audience screamed for joy. We were flabbergasted at how close we were. We could see their faces and expressions. It was amazing!! I was taking the above video when I noticed that Walt was looking at me (or in my direction) and I gave him a thumbs up. He nodded back. I think I died inside, because Walt actually nodded at me. Swoon… We cheered at the end of the song and I stopped the video. All of sudden, I heard “AH we-ma-wet…” I gasped really loud then said SORRY at the top of my lungs. They were singing The Lion Sleeps Tonight my all-time favorite SNC song!! I recorded it and tweeted “My life has seriously been made. Ryansongs (Ryan’s twitter name) sang The Lions Sleeps Tonight.” I was that excited and was so happy that they sang it. I’m a little embarrassed about my reaction but hey you only live once, right? My only regret about the concert was that I was so concerned about getting the right picture that I fiddled with my camera a lot. I wish I hadn’t and just sat back and enjoyed. Here are some of my favorite pics. See Exhibits C and D…

(Disclosure: While I was looking through my pics, I noticed that Ryan was in almost every one and he was looking at me in almost every one. No, Ryan I am not a stalker. It’s just the way it turned out that way I promise. He’ll probably never read this but I just had to say that.)

The first set included songs like Summer of ’69 (Tyler totally rocked that one), a Beatles Medley, and Stayin’ Alive/Superstition (during that one Ryan hit a high note and I think I screamed or nodded my head or both and he just smiled. Cue swoon…) It was amazing the interaction from the guys to the fans in the front seats. They smiled at us, nodded, pointed, or just looked our way a few times. It was a totally different world from the front row of the balcony. We will never be able to sit anywhere else again, seriously. Intermission came too soon and we took a few pics. See Exhibit E…

Cool pic huh? I thought so. The next set of songs went by fast and it included the SNC Movie Medley (which if you ask me, they really need to record). Charlie did the intro (his intros are awesome!) and the guys happened to have a popcorn machine with some buttery, salty popcorn on stage which they promptly ate. (To go on record this was the first time they ever did this) If you’re any kind of a singer, you know popcorn is one of the worst things to have before you sing. It’s scratchy and those dog-gone blasted kernels always get stuck in your teeth. However, they sounded amazing even after eating the popcorn. Most of them only ate a few bites or in Ryan’s case, a few handfuls. Behind Charlie, Ryan was throwing pieces of popcorn at Walt who was having extreme difficulty catching them in this mouth. Not sure whose fault that was but one time Ryan mocked frustration and ended up throwing a huge handful of popcorn at him. Walt just shrugged and his expression said “Come on, man!” When they were just about ready to sing, the guys handed out the popcorn to the middle and right front rows. We were in the left front row and they missed us! L We were a little disappointed but nothing could crush our spirits. Then Jerome came over and said something like “Come get some popcorn. It’s really good” and promptly dumped half of it into our hands. Cue swoon… From then on, every time we moved our feet we heard the crunch of popcorn. He made our night. As a total surprise, Ryan came back on stage with this huge bag full of popcorn and gave it to me. Cue swoon again… The popcorn was super delicious and I got the guys to sign the bag after the show (Charlie laughed and said “This popcorn wasn’t greasy at all” and all of the guys got a huge kick out of signing it). See Exhibit F…

They sang a couple of more songs including Fix You. See Exhibit G…

I still get chills when I listen to that song. It’s so emotionally moving and powerful. I will never be able to get over that sound. They ended the show with a club-like medley that included Party Rock (and yes they shuffled). The crowd (did I mention the venue was sold-out?) called them back for 2 encores. I need to tell you about the 70+ lady behind me. She a set of lungs that could out scream me and my friends. I seriously could not hear anyone else but her even when I was screaming. Their last song (the final encore) was Up on the Roof which is a very beautiful song and they did it off-mike.

Straight No Chaser always has a Meet and Greet after the show so we waited for a while until the end of the line for our turn. I had my Ryan Alhwardt CD that I wanted Ryan to sign and my popcorn bag (I have a previously signed ticket from them). When I handed the CD to Ryan, Seggie was like “Who is that?” Ryan said “Oh, just some guy.” Ryan asked my name and I told him then said “It’s spelled C-h-r-i-s-t-a” (everyone spells it with a K). Then Seggie was like “I could’ve burned that for you.” I responded (so blonde) “Well, then he wouldn’t get the money would he?” Stupid response. I should’ve said something like “Well, if you would’ve followed me on Twitter then you would’ve known.” I’ve come to terms that I will act like a blonde when I’m around people I am anxious to meet. At least this Meet and Greet was better than the last one even though I still acted like a blonde. When we got to Jerome he asked us if we were in the front row on the left. Amazing memory and (you guessed it) cue swoon… We talked to the security guard and asked them if they were taking pics afterwards. He said “You didn’t hear this from me but wait around.” So we did and we each got our pics taken with the whole group. See Exhibit H and I…

Side Note: (I think Walt missed out on the memo that the second pic was supposed to be a non-funny pic. At least I wasn't the only one acting blonde. Sorry Walt!!)

It was an amazing night and I came back home with a newfound respect for SNC. I really love these 10 guys and their sound but the feeling was different on the way home this time as I reflected on the whirlwind events of the night. It was a feeling of respect instead of girly giddiness. I can’t really explain it but I think I grew in my maturity just because of the night. I was more content with life. I knew I hadn’t thought exactly right and I botched the whole Meet and Greet thing again (When will I ever learn?! I'm such a dweeb!) but I came away knowing there was a connection. I don’t know maybe I’m going crazy but it was just different. I cannot wait to see them again and maybe next time all common sense and sarcasm bestowed upon me won't abandon me again.

The best thing was this morning when I woke up. My mom came and asked me a question and I showed her my popcorn bag. She was not as excited as I was about it but asked me “So are you a groupie now?” I said “No, we’re called Chasers.” Cue Big Smile…. I will remember and re-live this night for a very long time. I can now say “Hi, my name is Christa and I have finally joined the ranks as a Chaser.” Today we are going to the zoo, it will be fun but nothing could ever live up to last night can it? I think that is the question of the ages…


Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Tomorrow, I Love You Tomorrow


Today is the day that my friend is coming to visit me. Yay!! I seem to remember that I promised you a story yesterday on how I almost lost our 4 front-row seat tickets. Well, as soon as I received the tickets I automatically pulled them out and checked to make sure that they were right and also that what I had seen on the website was correct. I still couldn’t believe that we had front row seats. I took a picture (see previous blog post here) and posted it on Facebook for all my friends to see (yes, I am definitely bragging at this point in time) where they went after that I wasn’t sure. For some reason, a few weeks later, I wondered where I placed those tickets. I looked in all the usual piles of papers around my room and couldn’t find them. I wasn’t worried as I sometimes misplace things and I knew I would eventually find them. I continued looking throughout the week (off and on) and became concerned that I couldn’t find them. I cleaned my room and two piles of trash stared me in the face. I made up my mind to throw NOTHING out until I found those tickets. I didn’t have time to look anymore so I waited for the weekend. I hunted through every nook, cranny, pile, and purse and couldn’t find a trace of them. I couldn’t even find the envelope they came in. I decided that I would look through the trash although I knew I couldn’t have thrown something so important away. You probably know the ending of the story by now but for those who don’t I shall continue. I opened up the bag and what do you know there were four front-row tickets staring right at me. To think if I didn’t look for those tickets at that exact moment, I would have thrown them away and then what. I shudder to think of it. I took a deep breath and immediately thanked God that I wouldn’t have to tell 3 of my best friends that I had thrown away our $55 front-row tickets. I immediately placed them in a box and put them in my very top drawer of my dresser. I got up the courage to tell all of my friends (eventually) of the unfortunate incident. They were relieved but I could tell that they had become concerned about my ticket handling capabilities. After that I had three dreams where my friends were either late or that we had forgotten the tickets. I think I’m going to have them text me tomorrow before I leave my house so there is no chance I’ll forget them. I’m so excited to see my friend today and to see Straight No Chaser tomorrow. If they only knew who excited I am…


Monday, April 23, 2012

Diary of the Weekend-The Next Tomorrow

Although, I did not have time to post a blog for last week (my apologies to all concerned), I did manage to write down my thoughts and activites of the weekend. My weekend started at 8:00pm Tuesday night. Here is my diary of the first day...


So it’s the day before the day that I go with my 3 friends to see Straight No Chaser. Why? They are awesome. Need I say more? No. If you follow me on Twitter (hailcesar87) or are friends with me on Facebook, then you already know that I am super excited about this concert. It seems like yesterday that I sat at the computer waiting for the tickets to go on sale. I had been given the solemn task to purchase the tickets. I was super nervous because the pre-sale had ended a few days earlier which was before we could get the funds needed to buy the tickets. I figured we might get lucky and end up in Row D but more than likely we’d end up in Row G. All of us wanted to be on the main floor if possible. Those were my orders: Get tickets on the main floor as close as possible. I pulled up and found the page to purchase the tickets. I looked at the time and it said 9:59am. I had one more minute until the tickets officially went on sale. I entered in the number of tickets and chose the Best Available option. By that time it was 10am, so I clicked Find Tickets. I nervously waited the results hoping that we hadn’t missed out on some good seats by not getting in on the Presale. My heart sank as the screen popped up and said Row XA. I knew we had waited too long. I looked at the seat chart trying to determine if it would be better to sit in the balcony instead of the main floor. I became confused when I realized that the main floor went only up to Row DD or something like that. I frantically searched for the row we had been given as the time ticked down in the lower right hand corner. I had 3 minutes and counting to figure out where we were going to sit or we would lose those tickets and I would have to start over. I reviewed the chart again and couldn’t believe what I saw so I did a double take. We had scored tickets in the very, very front row. The nervousness was quickly replaced by giddiness. I hurriedly moved on to the next screen to secure those seats before the time ran out. I still can’t believe that we have seats in the very front row on the main floor. Last time I went to see Straight No Chaser (SNC) we had front row seats but they were in the balcony. We were super high off the ground and I had to sit sideways the whole time due to the railing being too close to the seats. We were not going through that again. A few weeks later the tickets arrived and I almost lost them. That story is for tomorrow. See you soon,


Thursday, April 12, 2012

To Be Determined

Two days ago, I had to pack everything from desk at work and move it all. It had been a rough couple of days and that was the last thing I wanted to do. You see I had accumulated a lot of belongings. I can’t function at a desk that’s not properly decorated. I had some flower arrangements, my Ted Dekker books, some Beanie Babies, and countless pictures of my family, Pee-Wee club, Southern Gospel groups, and the Straight No Chaser concert. My mind floated back to Monday when I walked into work and…

“Christa, you need to clock in now!” My boss exclaimed with a look of impatience on her face. I was walking into work feeling overjoyed as I just had a wonderful weekend filled with spending time with my friends and family. I was working the late shift and had an enjoyable night’s sleep. My boss looked a little stressed and it concerned me. She told me that there was an emergency meeting and that we all needed to attend. I walked in and everyone had pens and paper ready. I was a little apprehensive about what was going on but I took my seat at the front and waited for the meeting to start. Our HR representative then explained that 4 people had been laid off from my department that day and then tried to reassure us that the rest of us were safe from the cuts. I resisted the temptation to look around to see who was gone. I immediately became concerned about my position because he said I was safe but my question was for how long. He continued to explain something about re-organizing the team structure and told us that the company was financially sound but due to the decrease in…. I didn’t hear the rest as I was still shocked by the news. Then it was over with, a 10 minute meeting that changed the whole outlook of my day. Four of my co-workers without any word of warning had been let go. Twelve people lost their jobs that day. It could‘ve been me just as easily as it was them. What would I do? Fear gripped my heart and I thought of the stack of bills I had incurred. I wouldn’t be able to survive without any income. Then in a flash I made the decision to praise God. I thanked Him for sparing my job and thanked Him for His many blessings this weekend. I decided to place my trust in Him and His promise. I have a verse on my desk from Psalms that states “I have been young and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging bread.” I remembered the saying “I don’t know what the future holds but I know Who holds the future.” In my mind, my future is to be determined but in God’s mind it’s all planned out. I originally started this blog to say how wonderful of a life God has given me and now I definitely realize it. I was being to get a little unconcerned about my friends, my job, and my family. I was taking them for granted instead of thanking God for granting me these gifts. It brought me out of the fairytale that everything would remain the same and into the reality that everything could be gone in mere seconds.

By the time this blog post goes up it will be  one week until my second SNC concert, 6 days until my friend Maranda comes to visit, and 6 days after the girl’s movie night I hosted at my house. As I sit here looking at 4 front row tickets (no, I’m not bragging…ok I’m bragging), I realize I am blessed. Three other girls paid almost $100 (including tickets, gas, and food) to make a 6-hour round trip journey to Toledo. Granted they are not going just to be with me but it makes me feel blessed that they want to experience this with me. Another friend is coming down in a few weeks just to hang out with me. I’ve never had that happen before. I’ve always been the one to get up and go to wherever I needed to be but she’s making a special trip down to Ohio just to see me. I am humbled. Later last week, we had a girl’s only movie night at my house. I am honored to have friends that want to hang around me. These are friends that encourage me and help me. They are the ones that can go up to a rack of clothing and pick out a random shirt and say Christa would like that. 99.99% of the time they are correct. It’s amazing to know that they know my style and want to know what I think or want to know what I like.

I don’t talk about my family much. In fact I haven’t really mentioned them except the fact I have brothers. Well, consider this your introduction to my family. I have two brothers: one older and one younger. My parents are still around and are still married to each other (30 years this May). My family is my biggest support network. They are the ones who are not afraid to correct me or tell me how to fix something. I take high regard on what my family thinks of me and I know that they are there to help me through the rough times. I can be unpredictable at times but they don’t seem to mind. We have our fights and at times we might seem like we hate each other but when it comes down to it we love each other like not one else. I love my family!

Some people may be interested in what I do for a living. I work for a non-profit credit counseling service that helps people with their credit card debt. Non-profit meaning the business is non-profit…me, I am for-profit. Yes, I do get paid money for my work and no, I don’t volunteer. Bills don’t pay themselves, you know. I basically work with creditors in my areas. I won’t bore you with the details so you can all breathe that sigh of relief. My job is unique in the fact that most of my benefits are paid for and I have very good work hours. My job can be unpredictable (hmm…who does that sound like?) and there have been times where I wished I had a different job altogether. I have prayed about it and God has stated that right here is where I need to be for right now. I will listen to what He has to say for there was a time when I didn’t listen. It was the most miserable 2 years of my life. Don’t ever stop listening to God.

I am blessed in the fact that I have a loving family, caring friends, and a paying job. I am blessed in the fact that almost 400 people have read my blog in the past 3 months without me twisting their arm. Thank you for your readership (is that even a word?). You are quite an awesome group. Quiet, but awesome. In the words of Porky Pig “(Random stuttering) That’s all folks!!!” Until next time,

Be happy being single
Always Remember to Sing in the Rain


Tuesday, April 3, 2012

My Alabaster Box

One of my most favorite stories in the Bible is the story of Mary Magdalene. This woman was well known for prostitution among other things until she met Jesus. One can only surmise that her salvation was a shock to those around her given her history. Yet, Jesus still forgave her sins and made her whole again. We don’t know much about this woman’s life other than her history, yet God made a promise to her, this former prostitute, saying that she would be in the Scriptures. What had this woman done to warrant the attention of God in such a way that God would make such a promise? This woman who’s profession is still to this day considered questionable and wrong by most of society. The only answer I can give is that she loved Jesus. This was not an artificial love or a love brought on by attraction. This was a true love of gratefulness for everything that Christ had done for her. She wanted to honor and thank Him for everything He’d done. So what did she do? She brought an alabaster box filled with precious ointment to Him. Alabaster is a type of quartz and is known to be expensive in Bible times. One can only surmise that the ointment was expensive as well due to the container it was in. The price? A year’s wages. This sign of gratitude and love not only cost her money but it cost her, her pride. Jesus was eating at a Pharisee’s house. A Pharisee was known to look down on anyone beneath his stature or prominence. When she came to the room where Jesus was, people started talking and staring, not in a loving way, but in a scornful way. She didn’t care; she had a mission and she had to get to Jesus. As she knelt at His feet, she wept and washed His feet with her tears and dried His feet with her hair. Then she broke the box of precious ointment, anointed His feet, and kissed them. Feet are still to this day considered gross. No one wants to touch each other’s feet much less wash and kiss them. Yet she loved Jesus so much she humbled herself before Him and washed His feet. What love!
My pastor preached a message on this story last Sunday morning. He brought up a point that I had never thought of before. He asked “What is in your alabaster box? What is so precious that you won’t give to Jesus?” I immediately searched in my heart for something that I was keeping from God. There were some things I knew weren’t perfect but I knew I wasn’t withholding it them from God. Then God pointed to a box on the very top shelf of my heart and said “That one.” Immediately, I knew what God was talking about yet I resisted. I’ve always wanted things my way. My life was going to work out in this certain way: I was going to be in the ministry, I was going to have 5 children, I was going to live in a beautiful house, and I was going to be rich. These hopes and dreams are not wrong in the thought of them; however, they were not God’s. I did not want to give up my box at all. Throughout the service, God kept looking at that box wondering if I was going to relinquish it to Him. He said not a word but His eyes drilled my soul. I kept saying no and giving God other things on my shelf hoping He’d be pleased. But they were meaningless things that I knew wouldn’t cost me a thing. I kept trying to hide it from His view. God knew and He still said nothing, He just looked. At the time of the invitation, I went to the altar and told God that if He wanted me single for the rest of my life that was fine.  He seemed pleased but I knew what could make Him really happy.

I couldn’t stop thinking about my box and my heart grew heavy with the turmoil of my selfishness. I started thinking about this women who had given one of her most precious possessions to Jesus without a moment of hesitation. She loved Him so much that she just had to give it to Him. I looked at my box and opened it. I found a piece of sheet of music symbolizing what I wanted to do with my life-be a church piano player. I found a wedding ring symbolizing that I wanted to get married. I found a baby rattle symbolizing that I wanted children. I found money symbolizing that I wanted to be rich. I found a picture of my friends and family symbolizing that I wanted to keep them with me always and never be alone. The last thing I found was a list. A list of everything I wanted and every desire that had yet to be fulfilled. Every dream and every hope I had was on that list. Things that I had wished so long ago that even I had forgotten about. I looked at the Lord and with tears in my eyes, I hesitated and said “I can’t give it to You. I’m sorry. I just can’t do it.” I meditated on the story for a long time that afternoon and God kept looking at that box that used to be on the top shelf of my heart. He said not a word. Inside I was shaking from the turmoil but I still clutched my box. Then I read the story again. I read the verse where she broke the box of her own accord. Then this thought came to light: Mary broke the box willingly. Whether or not it was actually breaking the box in half or just breaking the seal doesn’t matter, she opened it up herself and the precious ointment flowed out of it. God never asked her or told her to break it. She did it out of love. There was no turning back after that box had been broken. There was no way she could, even if she wanted to, put that precious ointment back in the box. It was either break the box or nothing in her mind. I stared at my box with its precious belongings-my hopes, my dreams, and my desires. I closed it and weeping, I broke it and let those things that I considered precious fall at Jesus’ feet. He smiled at me and I know at that moment the One I have wanted to please all my life was truly pleased. I cried but this time it was out of pure love and joy.

 My alabaster box now lies on the top shelf in my mind broken and empty. I knew if I ever kept that box intact, I would want to take my belongings back sooner or later so I broke it. My box will never be restored and the cracks will never be repaired, yet what I consider precious is now in Jesus’ feet and I know in my heart He will make them into more than I could ever do on my own. God never asked me for it but I knew I had to please the One I hold so dear.

So my question to you is: What’s in your alabaster box? Have you given it to the Lord or are you still clutching white-knuckled on to it? I encourage you to give it to Him. You don’t have to break it like I did, just place it in His hands and walk away. A simple step but it’s so hard to let go, I know I‘ve struggled with this for many years. It’s going to be fine and pretty soon you’ll wonder why it took you so long to give it to Him. I’m reminded of a song that Casting Crowns sings called At Your Feet, the song says…

Here at Your feet I lay my future down
All of my dreams I give to You now
And I find peace, I find peace

My soul sings, Jesus at Your feet
O, to dwell and never leave
Jesus, Jesus at Your Feet
There is nowhere for me

Until next time,
Be happy being single.
Always remember to sing in the rain.
