Saturday, May 12, 2012

Operation Saturation

To start Operation Saturation we shall commence with the reason behind this operation. When I first started Simply Singing in the Rain, the goal was to encourage others. I dreamed big but expected little. What a surprise for me to find out that people actually enjoyed reading my blog and for the past couple of months the views per post have remained steady. Right now the blog gains an average of 18-20 views per post. (The Perfect Man Builder Part One post gained the most views with 50. I honestly didn’t expect that! What a surprise!!) My goal is to reach 50 views per post by the end of the year 2012. To put it quite simply, I am going to need your assistance in helping me to reach my goal. I know there are others who might enjoy reading my blog but how can they read it if they don’t know about it? I would humbly ask your assistance to help me get the word out to others about this blog. Now for the instructions:

Who? Operation Saturation is for everyone and anyone. It is not limited to just followers of my blog.

When? Operation Saturation will run until June 12th. This will give you one month to enter yourself into the drawing for the giveaway at the end of the operation.

How? To start Operation Saturation, I would request that you spread the news to others by sharing one post from this blog online. Any post will do i.e. the post about the SNC concert, the post about My Alabaster Box, or the post about My Resolution, etc. You can share it on Facebook, Twitter, MySpace (does anyone use that anymore?), mouth to mouth, etc. If you share more than one, your name will be entered in the drawing as many times as you share posts. (Does that make sense?) For instance, if you shared three posts, your name will be entered three times. You must comment that you shared a certain post. You may do this on Facebook, Twitter, or on the post you shared. If you comment on Facebook or Twitter, please include the name of the post you shared. This is the only way I can determine who to enter into the giveaway at the end.

What? At the end of the Operation Saturation, the winner of the giveaway shall receive two gifts (I’m feeling very generous). Before I get to the good part, once I announce the winner I would request that they share how they found out about the blog. The winner will be announced on my blog and I shall write a little biography about them. On to the gifts…Gift #1: The winner shall receive an open invitation to write one post on my blog about anything and everything at any time. The requirements of this post shall be that it is clean. Gift #2: The winner shall receive a $15 gift card to whichever restaurant they choose from McDonalds to Olive Garden.

So, let Operation Saturation begin…*Olympic Theme Music Plays* Good luck troops and God Bless! Until next time,

Be Happy Being Single
Always Remember to Sing in the Rain


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