Tuesday, May 14, 2013

50th Blog Post

As I sat here looking at my piece of paper filled with scribbles, random thoughts, and crossed-out sentences, I can't seen to find the words to convey the feelings within me. I have started other blogs before but they have fallen by the wayside. I can't believe that this is the 50th post. It's been 2 (?) long years. Life has held some disappointments filled with exasperation and tears yet these things are more memories than everyday occurrences now. I have celebrated so many great milestones: There was my first SNC concert, my first Brian Free concert, the Perfect Man Builder 2012, and my birthday. There have been times of learning in the Learning to be Lonely series. There were times of regret with I'm Scared and Confessions of a Single Woman. Yet through it all, I have become a different person. Someone who loves more and is more content with life. As I write each post, I ask myself what I need to hear. Sometimes I end up in tears as I read each sentence and let the truth sink in. Funny but as I started writing this, it began to rain. Rain is such a wonderful thing. It nourishes the plants, trees, grass, animals, and even us. It helps us keep nature alive. It helps keep me alive. Without the "rain" of life, I wouldn't know how to savor the good moments. I wouldn't be as close to my family and friends as I now am. I wouldn't have grown or matured. Yet just when you think you've learned all there is to know, another storm comes your way carrying a new type of rain. A new challenge for tomorrow. In honor of my 25th year of lie and 50th blog post, I will be taking you on a journey. No need to pay for a ticket, arrange airfare, or book a hotel room. Sprinkled among my regular posts, I will be trying my hand at vlogging. Vlogging, you say, what is it? If you aren't aware it's video blogging. I've always been interested in it and have decided it's better to try and fail then to wonder what if. If I fall flat at least I'll know I'm a horrible vlogger. So instead of me writing all the time about my experiences like my SNC concert, Brian Free concert, etc. I'll be vlogging about it. Instead of writing it days after it happened I'll vlog right then. Look for the first episode soon about a certain Broadway play I'll be seeing on Saturday. There will be a giveaway with the vlog too. Well there you have it, the end of my 50th post. Nice, short, sweet, and to the point. Be sure to subscribe to my channel Simply Singing in the Rain...see you on Saturday!!

Always Remember to Be Happy Being Single!!
Always Remember to Sing in the Rain!!!


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