Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Day of My Birth

November 30th is a special day in my life because you see it was the day that I entered to the world. Yes many moons ago, I was born in a Syracuse hospital. I don’t remember much about that day in fact, I don’t remember anything about it. My parents can tell a story or two of the wonderful day their only daughter was born and how they narrowly avoided having me in the back of their car. I was a born late in November right before the cut-off date for school. In New York, the cut-off date was December 1st. I made it just in time (as usual). My mom had a doctor’s appointment that day and the doctor told her if I wasn’t born within the next couple of days they would induce. Well, when I heard that I decided I would surprise my parents with a gift that night. My parents went home from the doctor’s appointment not knowing that they would soon see him again. A couple of hours later, I decided I wanted to be born and my parents rushed to the hospital where I was born at 7:06pm. My mom will tell you that she was too far gone for them to help with the pain so she had to have me naturally. What a joy that must have been for her!

Next came the question on what would they name me…My mom and dad had agreed to name me Colleen awhile back, but my mom changed her mind (hey, it’s a woman’s prerogative) and wanted to name me Christa. My dad was dead set on Colleen so my mom dropped the subject. When I was born, the nurse asked my mom what my name was. My mom (the saintly soul she is) told her Christa. Surprise!! Oh what I would have given to be there…wait, I was there, um…Oh, what I would have given to remember the look my dad gave my mom. There that’s better. So to commemorate my special day, here are some fun facts about the day November 30th!

Famous Births:
®    Mark Twain was born in 1835
®    Winston Churchill was born in 1874
®    Dick Clark was born in 1929
®    Colin Mochrie was born in 1957
®    Ben Stiller was born in 1965

Historical Events:
®    On November 30th, 1782, Britain signed an agreement recognizing U.S. Independence.
®    On November 30th, 1938, Germany banned Jews from being lawyers.
®    On November 30th, 1940, Lucille Ball weds Desi Arnez.
®    On November 30th, 1982, Michael Jackson’s new album Thriller is released.
®    On November 30th, 1993, the NFL announced a new team-The Jacksonville Jaguars.

Famous Deaths:
®    Oscar Wilde died in 1900
®    Zeppo Marx died in 1979
®    Evil Knievel died in 2007

®    November 30th is “Stay at Home because You are Well” Day
®    November 30th is National Mousse Day

There you have it! As you can see November 30th is a special day and I am glad that I was born on it. After all there can’t be that many people who can claim that they were born on the day Winston Churchill was. So to wrap up this blog (I know that was corny) I will end with a quote “Birthday’s are nature’s way of telling us to eat more cake.”

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